Margulies collection

4:36 AM

The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse is a non-profit institution located in a 45,000 square foot retro-fitted warehouse in the Wynwood Arts District of Miami. My piece is a reflection of the three rocks shown at the entrance of the gallery, by Michael Heizer, called "Elevated, Surface, Depressed." His pieces play with perception and the idea of art coming from the earth/land. In my piece, I chose to reflect my job through form and material. The company I work for takes pride in their use of organic and recycled material in everything they manufacture, so I wanted to use the "throwaways" as representatives of objects that have potential to be manipulated just like other products that have been produced. Being in grass is representative of garbages and landfills, relating to things from the earth decomposing to be recycled again. However, through this singular object, I feel it emphasizes the potential of these materials. 


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